At the Abbott Street railway crossing, is the elevated signal box.

he 1915 Federation style timber structure with decorative barge
boards, fl ying gable ends with drop mouldings, and fi nials at the
apex, was accessed via external timber stairs. The ground fl oor
houses the interlocking machine and gear. The upper storey is
the operating fl oor, which brought under one roof the operating
centre, with all the controls and apparatus necessary for working
the gates, points and signals at Sandringham.

Prior to building the signal box, the gates were hand operated by
a railway employee who lived in a nearby gatehouse. The sanitary
closet was situated at the side of the building in such a position
that the signalman, in the closet, could hear any telephone or
signal bells that sounded during his absence from the signal box.
The signals, points, and railway gates at Sandringham have long
since been automated and the signal box is no longer manned.